Worship Service Sunday at 10 a.m.
Now Online: Join us on YouTube or Facebook.
Interested in becoming a member of St. Andrew? Come join us for worship.
Request a hospital or home visit? If you would like a pastoral visit for yourself or someone else in the hospital or their home, contact us at office@standrewpittsburgh.org or by calling 412.682.3342. We will pass your message to our Pastor who will make arrangements to visit the hospital. The Pastor will need to know which hospital and the room number (if available).
Request for a funeral visit? Please call the church office at 412.682.3342. We will help you start making the necessary arrangements.
Request for use of St. Andrew’s facilities? If you would like to request the use of our building for a special need or on a more regular basis, please contact the church office at 412.682.3342.